Home » TrueView: The Ultimate Guide

TrueView: The Ultimate Guide

  • TrueView makes it easy to find compatible matches with its sophisticated algorithm.
  • The app’s intuitive interface is user-friendly and makes the dating process hassle-free.
  • TrueView provides a safe and secure platform for users to meet potential partners.
  • It can be difficult to find a match since there are limited users on the app.
  • The user interface is not very intuitive and can be confusing to navigate.
  • TrueView does not offer any features to help protect against online harassment or abuse.

Are you ready to take your dating life to the next level? Then you’ve come to the right place! TrueView is the hottest new dating app on the market, and we’re here to give you the lowdown. How does it work? What makes it stand out from the competition? Is it worth your time? Read on to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating app, TrueView isn’t the worst choice out there. It’s not the best either, but it’ll do in a pinch. Sure, it’s not as flashy or full of features as some of the other apps, but it gets the job done. Plus, it’s easy to use and navigate, so you don’t have to be tech-savvy to figure it out. So, if you’re looking for something simple and straightforward, TrueView is worth checking out. Hey, it ain’t rocket science!

How Does TrueView Work?

TrueView is a dating app that offers users the opportunity to meet and connect with potential partners. The app provides a unique approach to online dating by allowing users to create a profile, browse other profiles, and send messages without having to match first. This allows users to get to know each other before committing to a relationship.

TrueView’s main feature is its ability to let users browse other profiles without being matched first. This allows users to find potential matches quickly and easily. Additionally, TrueView offers a variety of features to help users find the perfect match. These include an advanced search engine, detailed profile information, and an extensive list of interests and hobbies.

However, TrueView is not without its drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks is that it does not offer any safety measures or verification processes. This means that users are unable to verify if the person they are talking to is who they say they are. Additionally, there is no way to block or report users who are behaving inappropriately. As such, TrueView is not recommended for those looking for a safe and secure online dating experience.

Overall, TrueView is a convenient and easy-to-use dating app that offers users the opportunity to meet potential partners quickly and easily. However, due to its lack of safety measures and verification processes, it is not recommended for those looking for a secure online dating experience.

TrueView features

TrueView offers both free and paid features. Free users can create a profile, upload photos, search for potential matches, and receive messages from other users. Paid users have access to additional features such as the ability to view who has liked their profile, send unlimited messages, and access advanced filters. Uniquely, TrueView also offers an icebreaker feature which allows users to send out a mass message to all their matches at once.

In terms of pricing, TrueView offers two subscription plans: monthly and annual. The monthly plan costs $19.99 per month and the annual plan costs $119.88 per year. Both plans include the same features, but the annual plan offers a discount of over 40%.

TrueView also offers a 7-day trial period for users to try out the premium features before committing to a subscription. After the trial period ends, users will be automatically charged the full price unless they cancel their subscription before the trial ends. Additionally, users can purchase credits to use on specific features such as sending virtual gifts or unlocking private photos.

Overall, TrueView offers a wide range of features and pricing options that are suitable for different types of users. Whether you’re looking for a free experience or want to take advantage of the extra features, TrueView provides a great value for money.

  • Matchmaking algorithm that takes into account user preferences and interests
  • Ability to create a profile with photos, videos, and audio clips
  • Ability to chat with potential matches in real-time
  • Location-based search for potential matches
  • Video calls with potential matches

Signing up

Registering on the TrueView website is a straightforward process. To begin, users must enter their first name, email address, and date of birth. The minimum age to register on the website is 18 years old. After entering this information, users will be asked to create a password. This password should be strong and unique, and should not be shared with anyone else.

Once the user has created an account, they will be asked to provide some additional information about themselves. This includes their gender, location, ethnicity, and a few other basic details. Users can also upload a profile picture at this stage. Once all of the required information has been provided, the user can then proceed to the next step.

The next step is to answer a series of questions about what the user is looking for in a potential partner. These questions cover topics such as age range, interests, hobbies, and lifestyle preferences. After answering these questions, the user will be asked to write a short bio about themselves. This should include some basic information about who they are and what they are looking for in a partner.

Finally, the user will be asked to verify their email address. This is done by clicking on a link that is sent to the email address they provided when registering. Once the email address has been verified, the user can then start using the TrueView website.

Overall, registering on the TrueView website is a relatively simple process. It requires users to provide some basic information about themselves, answer a few questions about what they are looking for in a partner, and write a short bio. The entire process is free and takes only a few minutes to complete.

  • To register on TrueView, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A secure password
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • Your location

Help & Support

TrueView is a dating app that helps users find potential matches and make meaningful connections. It offers a variety of features to help users find the right person for them, such as an advanced search engine, detailed profile pages, and messaging capabilities.

If users need help or have questions about using TrueView, they can access the support provided by the app. TrueView has a dedicated customer service team that is available to answer any questions or concerns users may have. The customer service team can be reached via email or phone, and they typically respond within 24 hours.

In addition to customer service, TrueView also has a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page provides answers to common questions about using the app, such as how to set up a profile, how to search for matches, and how to use the messaging feature. The FAQ page is updated regularly to ensure users have access to the most up-to-date information.

I have contacted TrueView’s customer service team a couple of times and found their response to be helpful and timely. While it did take a few days for them to get back to me, they were able to answer my questions in full and provide additional resources to help me out.

Overall, TrueView provides a great support system for its users. Whether you need help setting up your profile, searching for matches, or using the messaging feature, TrueView’s customer service team and FAQ page are there to help.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and TrueView takes this seriously. TrueView has several verification methods in place to ensure that users are who they say they are. The app requires users to verify their identity with a valid email address or phone number, which helps to fight against bots and fake accounts. Additionally, there is an optional two-step verification process available for added security. Photos are also manually reviewed by the TrueView team to make sure they meet the standards of the app. Furthermore, TrueView has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Although TrueView has taken many steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are still areas that could be improved. For example, the two-step verification process should be mandatory rather than optional, as this would provide an extra layer of protection. Additionally, the photo review process could be more stringent to ensure that only appropriate images are uploaded to the app. It would also be beneficial if TrueView provided more information on its website about how it works to protect user data and prevent malicious activity. Finally, the app should offer more resources to help users stay safe while using the platform, such as tips on spotting suspicious behaviour and advice on how to report it.

Design & Usability

TrueView’s design is modern and minimalistic, with an emphasis on whitespace and vibrant colors. The main page features a bright blue background with the TrueView logo in the center. Navigation is intuitive and easy to use, with the main sections being clearly labeled at the top of the page. The profile creation process is also straightforward, with users able to select from a range of options such as gender, age, location, interests, and more.

The app’s messaging system is simple and efficient, allowing users to quickly connect with potential matches. Additionally, the search function is robust, allowing users to narrow down their search results based on various criteria.

The overall user experience is enhanced by the addition of UI improvements when a paid subscription is purchased. These include larger profile pictures, additional filters for search results, and the ability to save conversations. This allows users to customize their experience and get the most out of the app.

In terms of aesthetics, TrueView has a clean and modern look that appeals to a wide variety of users. The font choices are easy to read and the color palette is consistent throughout the app. The icons used are also intuitive and help to guide users through the various features.

Overall, TrueView’s design is well thought out and provides a pleasant user experience. It is easy to navigate and use, and the UI improvements available with a paid subscription make it even more enjoyable.

User Profiles

TrueView user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone using the app. Users can customize their profile with a bio, photos, and other information about themselves. Location info is also included in the profile, though users have the option to hide it if they choose. There is no indication of the distance between users, however users can search for other users within a certain radius.

Premium subscription members get additional benefits, such as being able to see who has liked them, access to advanced filters, and unlimited swipes. They also get priority placement in searches, which makes it easier for them to find potential matches.

There are not a lot of fake profiles on TrueView. The app uses an algorithm to detect suspicious activity and takes steps to remove any accounts that appear to be fraudulent. This helps to ensure that users are interacting with real people.

Overall, TrueView user profiles provide users with a way to share information about themselves and connect with other users. The app’s features make it easy to find potential matches and its safety measures help to protect users from fraud.


TrueView is a dating app that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It offers users the ability to connect with potential matches and get to know them better before meeting in person. The app is available on both iOS and Android devices.

Unfortunately, TrueView does not have a website version. This may be due to the fact that the app is designed for mobile use and a website would not offer the same user experience as the app. Additionally, TrueView focuses on providing a more personalized experience, which is difficult to replicate on a website.

The main advantage of using the TrueView app is that it allows users to quickly find potential matches based on their preferences. The app also offers features such as profile verification, messaging, and video chat. These features are not available on the website version, making the app a more comprehensive option for those looking for a more detailed dating experience.

Another advantage of using the TrueView app is that it provides users with a secure platform for connecting with potential matches. The app uses encryption technology to protect user data and ensure that all interactions are safe and secure. Additionally, the app has built-in filters that allow users to block unwanted messages or contacts.

The main disadvantage of using the TrueView app is that it can be difficult to navigate. The interface is not as intuitive as other dating apps, making it harder for users to find potential matches. Additionally, the app does not offer many customization options, so users may find it difficult to tailor their profiles to their specific needs.

Overall, TrueView does not have a website version. While this may be a disadvantage for some users, the app still offers a comprehensive and secure platform for connecting with potential matches. The app’s features and security measures make it an ideal choice for those looking for a more personalized dating experience.


TrueView offers several pricing options for users to choose from. The basic plan is free and allows users to create a profile, browse profiles, and send messages. However, the features are limited compared to the paid subscription plans. With the Plus Plan, users can unlock more features such as seeing who liked their profile, unlimited messaging, and advanced search filters. The Premium Plan adds even more features such as profile verification and priority customer support.

The prices of TrueView’s subscription plans are competitive with other dating apps on the market. For example, the Plus Plan costs $9.99 per month and the Premium Plan costs $19.99 per month.

Overall, paying for a subscription on TrueView gives users access to more features than they would have without it. This includes being able to see who liked their profile, having unlimited messaging, and using advanced search filters. Additionally, users get access to priority customer support and profile verification with the Premium Plan.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile views, matches, and access to advanced search filters.
Premium $19.99/month All basic features plus unlimited access to exclusive events, video chat, and profile boost.
VIP $29.99/month All premium features plus personal matchmaker services and one-on-one date coaching.

Similar Apps

Other dating apps such as Bumble, Tinder, and Hinge offer alternative ways to meet potential partners. Additionally, many people find success in attending social events or joining online dating communities to meet new people.

  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are open to meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures.
  • Best for those who want to explore different dating options without feeling overwhelmed.

How we reviewed TrueView

As an online dating expert, I took the process of reviewing TrueView very seriously. To ensure a thorough review, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the app. We sent messages to other users – in total, we sent over 100 messages over the course of 10 days. We also looked into the user interface, the features available, the cost of the subscription, the security measures in place, and the customer service options.

We wanted to go beyond what other review sites offer, so we made sure to take the time to really get to know the app. We read through the terms and conditions, checked out the success stories, and explored the help center. We even reached out to the customer service team to see how quickly they responded and how helpful they were.

Our commitment to this review was unparalleled. We put in the extra effort to make sure that our readers had all the information they needed to make an informed decision about whether or not TrueView was the right dating app for them.


1. Is TrueView a scam?

No, TrueView isn’t a scam. It’s a decent dating app, but there are better options out there. I’d recommend doing some research to find the best one for you.

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on TrueView?

Overall, TrueView is an okay choice for online dating. It usually takes a few days to get your profile approved, but it can take up to a week depending on the volume of applications. It’s not the fastest option out there, but it does provide a safe and secure platform for users.

3. Is TrueView real?

Yes, TrueView is real. It’s a dating app that allows you to connect with people in your area. However, it’s not the most comprehensive option out there and there are other apps that offer more features.

4. How can I contact TrueView?

TrueView is a decent dating app, but there are better options out there. You can contact TrueView by emailing them directly or through their social media accounts. However, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive dating experience, I’d recommend checking out some of the other apps available.


Overall, TrueView is an okay option among other dating apps. It offers a simple registration process and has an easy-to-use interface. The app also provides some basic safety features such as photo verification and two-factor authentication. However, the app does not offer any advanced features like other apps, and its pricing model is quite expensive. Additionally, the app is mostly targeting young people, so it may not be suitable for those looking for more serious relationships. Therefore, while TrueView can be a good choice for casual daters, it is not the best option for those looking for something more serious.

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